XWordMagic — a lifetime of crosswords

4.5 ( 2905 ratings )
Giochi Rompicapo Intrattenimento Giochi di parole
Sviluppatore Cogix Corporation

Automatically creates more than 1,000,000 challenging puzzles.
The only crossword software youll never use up or outgrow – ad free, no subscriptions!

For beginners and experts alike, heres you never-ending source of original crosswords -- each one fun, challenging and completely different.

Other crossword apps give you a limited assortment of puzzles.
When youre finished solving them, you have to buy more or you might as well delete the app.

XWordMagic is different. It has the intelligence to create unique, challenging puzzles at your command. Simply choose a puzzle grid and the level of difficulty you want – and XWordMagic constructs a puzzle before your very eyes. You could do a dozen puzzles a day for the rest of your life, and never run out of fresh puzzles!

As you climb up the levels of difficulty, larger and more complex puzzle grids become available, richer vocabularies are used, and clues become more subtle.

The puzzles are built-in using a database of hundreds of thousands of clues and tens of thousands of words — but clues are not limited to those that are built into the app.

If you think of a better clue, tell us, using the app, and well cull the best clues from our aficionados and update the app automatically — so XWordMagic grows and improves and remains forever fresh.

If you are offline, no worry - the built in clues and words are enough to give you unlimited puzzles for a lifetime.

The XWordMagic app uses the entire screen in iPads and larger iPhones, and even lets you zoom the puzzle and clues if your eyesight requires it.

As levels get harder, our Hints will help you complete the more challenging puzzles. You may find yourself discovering new word meanings you didnt know were there!

Download XWordMagic now and discover a subtly different kind of crosswords, in a lifetime supply.